Friday, August 31, 2012

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

I've recently been re-watching one of my favorite TV shows of all time and just like a few other of my favorite TV shows of all time, it was only on the air for a short time.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was a TV show created by Aaron Sorkin about a TV show that debuted on NBC in 2006. It chronicled the ins and outs of a late night comedy sketch program of the same name. Despite its short time on the air, it had developed characters and a focused plot line accented with other story arcs as well. While it had a little bit of fault with preachy content and some overwrought story lines, I feel it's one of the lesser appreciated shows that has been on the air, much like Sorkin's earlier TV series, Sports Night


Hello, all. My name is Arissa L. Utemark. I'm an undergraduate film student at Washburn and hope to continue my education in Playwriting/Screenwriting. I was a playwriting finalist in The Center of the World Festival in 2011 and have had my work produced on Washburn University's stage in a production in 2012.

While most of my acting/writing experience has been in live theatre, I have a passion for film and have been watching them all of my life.

For the most part I will be focusing my journals on story structure, with a few other aspects of a creative work for analysis.

Stay tuned.