Thursday, October 18, 2012

Snow White and the Hunstman

Can we talk about Snow White and the Huntsman for a second?

Just a second, I promise.

First of all, I couldn't be more stoked about the current fairytale trend in the entertainment industry. I love fairy tales. One of the biggest was "Snow White and the Huntsman" that came out earlier this year.

I really don't think this reboot of the well-known fantasy got a fair shake. Despite the truly unfortunate casting choice of the main character Snow White, played by Kristen "This is the only face I'm ever going to make so you might just want to get used to it because for some unknown reason I still get work." Stewart and a few accents that got a little wonky, I thought this was a thoroughly interesting movie. The visual aspects were really beautiful and I thought Charlize Theron's evil queen was suitably terrifying. Chris Hemsworth brought an ordinarily overlooked character in the Huntsman to a level of a protagonist that I was really rooting for.

Thinking about the screenplay after the fact, touting this piece as a "empowered" Snow White might have been a little patronizingly ambitious, but the story was interesting, if not a little bit unfocused. There were a lot of loose ends that seemed like they were there to add length/look pretty adn the ending was pretty abrupt. Still, the entertainment value was enough to satisfy me.

Okay, second over. Go back to happily ever after.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you! I love fairy tales and I admit I'm a fan of twilight.I thought Kristen got chosen for twilight because it the books Bella is just an average person. In the snow white and the huntsman there was no rime or reason. The visual effects were interesting but overall I was disappointed. I felt like I watched the movie for nothing. It was entertaining though.
