Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Losers

Anybody that knows me will tell you I have a special place in my heart for throwback action movies.
There's nothing quite so satisfying as a well put together (complete with gratuitous violence, against all odds victories, and a generous amount of one-liners).

My recent cheesy action movie fix was The Losers, a shoot-'em up action movie based on a graphic novel that came out in April 2010.

This film followed the formula that I stated earlier pretty closely. A military unit, victim of a betrayal and abandonment by their our United States government, turned influential psychotic villain named "Max" set about getting their revenge and clearing their names.

Now, anybody that sees the poster for this flick (shown above) is probably going to gather that it's not going to be in the running for any Oscars, but suspending your other intellectual, sipping fine wine and watching Citizen Kane movie-watching self for a moment, there's something to be said for some brain suspending entertainment. This movie was solid, the dialogue was easy most of the time, and I had a good time watching it.

The only real glaring issue was the ending. While I thought there was plenty of room for an ending that would tie up the movie nicely, but we are currently living in a culture of sequels and this made a dump-truck sized opening for one when it really wasn't needed. It was like it didn't have enough confidence to finish with itself. Even if there was a need for a sequel because the material was based off a comic book arc, it should have had an ending with a lot more resolution.

Still I highly recommend any movie with the tagline "Anyone else would be dead by now". How can that possibly go wrong?

1 comment:

  1. I think theirs and error,it says the Loser Poster in a box with a link for the image but there is no image.
