Monday, November 26, 2012

Show the Ladies Some Love

I think we have established from previous posts that I am a comic book fan. A long-suffering female comic book fan, but a fan nonetheless. There are certain things with female story arcs that I have had to grin and bear since I picked up my first Spider-man comic when I was 10.

Lately I have been really enthusiastic about the new Avengers franchise. The first movie was astounding and I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes out of the studios in the next few years. Whether it be Iron Man 3, Thor 2: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, or eventually Avengers 2.

Then Marvel announced this.

An Ant-Man- movie? Really? Out of all the *cough* female *cough* Avengers they could have chosen to be the subject of their own film (ex. Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Tigra, Spider Woman), they had to choose the dude that changes size and talks to ants?

Granted, I've been wrong before about such things. The Iron Man movie chief among them. And handled correctly, I'm sure that it could be a great film, but I am tired time and again for female characters in any franchise not getting a fair shake. Is a female action hero such an oddity? Why can no one seem to make these kind of things work?

I look forward to this, loyal readers. A day when women aren't overlooked in the action movie industry.

1 comment:

  1. HERE HERE! (Unless they succeed in casting Alan Tudyk as Ant-Man, then all bets are off and I am first in line...
